6G: Unleashing the Power of Technology Through The Human Body

With telecommunications growing by leaps and bounds, the world has already started looking forward to the introduction of 6G. With 5G yet to flourish completely and show its capabilities across domains, research on 6G communications have already started. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst feel that the human body is the way forward to …

New Revelations Regarding Drugs That Treat Hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a medical condition ailing almost half the adult population in the world. The condition is prevalent in countries regardless of socioeconomic status. Hypertension receives massive attention from medical experts because it is closely linked to the development of cardiovascular conditions, stroke, and aneurysms. Treatments for Hypertension Different approaches have …

Researchers develop AI models to predict a person’s 10-year risk of stroke.

Around 15 million people across the globe suffer from a heart stroke every year, which accounts for about 5 million permanently disabled and nearly 5 million deaths worldwide. The severity of a heart attack mainly depends on the kind of prompt treatment the patient receives once the symptoms start developing. Heart attack and stroke risk …

US Midterm Elections and Drug Policy

The recent US Midterm elections were highly speculated about, and US citizens watched closely to see how it turned out. In anticipation of a red wave, the Big Pharma companies had a lot riding on these midterms. With the Inflation Reduction Act and the Biden government’s signature drug policy, the US pharmaceutical companies were looking …

Repotrectinib Shows Promise in Clinical Trials

Cancer is a deadly disorder that has little to no cure at all. Even after undergoing multiple surgeries and chemotherapies, people still succumb to the pain of cancer. But what if we told you those days are about to be gone? Science is on its way to making another breakthrough in its journey to fight …

New Drug for Hypertension Patients Who Are Unresponsive to Other Drugs

Hypertension refers to the condition of high blood pressure in any person. This condition is commonly found in older people aged 50 and above. With high blood pressure, the internal system faces more blood flow than required which can also result in many issues. Hypertension has been a major cause of strokes, heart attacks, and …

FDA Warns Indian Pharmaceutical Plant

Indian pharmaceutical company Lupin Limited has been sent a warning letter by the US FDA for its inadequate actions to address the manufacturing practices violations at the facility in Tarapur, Maharashtra. Lupin Limited is a transnational company with plants throughout the US, Mexico, Brazil, and India. They specialize in producing generic medicines, branded medicines, APIs, …

Does Moderna’s Vaccination Aggravate Myocarditis?

Inflammation of the heart muscle is called myocarditis, whereas inflammation of the membrane around the heart is called pericarditis. In both circumstances, the body’s immunological reaction to an infection or other trigger results in inflammation. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released definitions of myocarditis and pericarditis. Pericarditis and myocarditis can range in severity. …

Blue Light Therapy Alleviates PTSD Symptoms

Life has its ups and downs. But traumatic experiences can leave a long-lasting effect on the mind. When an individual experiences high levels of stress, anxiety, and worries about something because of a past traumatic event, these might be symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Other symptoms of PTSD can include flashbacks, poor sleep quality, …