The Role of 3D Printing in Dentistry

For quite a while, 3D printing has been prophesied to be a disruptive technology in the manufacturing world. Whether it is defense and aerospace or design and art, 3D printing has garnered tremendous attention and turned out to become a study with great interest with a wide range of applications. Two applications that have had …

AVID Ensures Availability – continues to adapt, scale, and sustain to provide support

Facing different challenges every day, school districts and teachers across the country are struggling to provide essential tools for students to focus and learn successfully. Connection and communication in ever evolving learning environments continue to be top of mind. Whether in the classroom, remote or hybrid learning, audio solutions such as headphones and headsets are critical in connecting students to educators, to technology and multiple forms …

ATC Honored to be Invited to Delaware State University Molecular Diagnostic Lab Ribbon Cutting

January 29, 2021: The ribbon cutting ceremony offered a short respite from Advanced Technology Corp’s work schedule of continuing to roll out and innovate the COVID VADDS platform in addition to doing the same for VADDS and Vetstar. Having worked extensively with many departments within Delaware State University (DSU), it was rewarding to see them …

Understanding Laboratory Software Services Markups and Subcontracting

Markup and Subcontracting:       Some of the preferred vendors have to subcontract to other firms to get laboratory software people for their customers’ projects because many preferred vendors that operate within large companies are huge firms that don’t happen to specialize in providing laboratory software resources. In some cases, the subcontracts are subcontracted to subcontracts and …

How To Survive In The Smart Machine Age

New Skills are Required to Remain Marketable Artificial Intelligence, virtual reality, robotics, biomedical engineering, nanotechnology and many other advances are happening rapidly.  Are you preparing or are you simply putting your head in the sand and hoping it doesn’t affect you? The reality is that it will affect most of us in the near future. …

In healthcare, big data alone isn’t enough

Healthcare organizations have mastered the art of data collection. But in order to be forward-looking, they need to focus on how to turn their data into valuable information. For what it’s worth, most hospitals and health systems have realized the value in investing in big data. They’re eagerly raking in a plethora of data, focusing …