Why PLM consultants are questioning new tools and asking about cloud exit strategy?

I want to continue my dialog with Jos Voskuil, PLM business consultant and PLM coach. If you’re just catching up the conversation, check the following articles: Why traditional PLM ranking is dead. PLM ranking 2.0? How to democratize PLM knowledge and disrupt traditional consulting. Some interesting thoughts came over the weekend from Jos’ article – The death of …

How will Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Analytics impact Healthcare Providers, Payers, Pharma, Medical Devices and Diagnostics?

1.  AI and Analytics integrated with electronic health records (EHRs) will deliver actionable insights for superior care delivery and personalized care at a lower cost for Healthcare Providers. Thanks to the meaningful use stipulations of the Affordable Care Act, a majority of the healthcare systems in North America have made significant investments in EHRs. These deployments …

In healthcare, big data alone isn’t enough

Healthcare organizations have mastered the art of data collection. But in order to be forward-looking, they need to focus on how to turn their data into valuable information. For what it’s worth, most hospitals and health systems have realized the value in investing in big data. They’re eagerly raking in a plethora of data, focusing …