Addressing the Rise and Fall of Health Care Consumerism Through Technology

Accompanied by the high-deductible health plans and cost sharing models, consumerism has been steadily on the rise in the healthcare industry. Hospitals that are able to successfully handle these challenges may be in a better position to stay financially viable in a period when competitive pricing and patient satisfaction can make or break a hospital’s …

LIMS or LMMS – a new approach in lab management

What exactly does LMMS stand for? – Levente Bakos, the managing director of LabShare Ltd. covered this exciting new concept in a presentation he delivered on the future of the testing market. The so-called Laboratory Market Management System has considerable benefits over the LIMS system currently in use in the test industry. This sharing economy-based …

LabTech and Innovations: How Tech Changes Modern Laboratories

Laboratories are the frontline of human progression in many ways, shapes and forms. Within the walls of these facilities are initiatives and determined people working towards achieving humankind’s most brilliant innovations. Unbeknownst to many is that within the confines of labs, humanity develop new ideas and learn to handle the challenges faced by nature. Laboratories …

Why the Internet of Things in healthcare is really about people, not things

Whenever you read about the Internet of Things (IoT), the focus is usually on the ‘things’ that are being connected. A home thermostat that you can control remotely via a smartphone app. Cars that exchange data for real-time traffic regulation. Robots that navigate through fulfillment warehouses to pick up the product you just ordered online. …

Connectivity: The One Word Transforming Healthcare

It’s fair to say that patient care depends on healthcare connectivity. Every person who visits a doctor or picks up a prescription generates data that are assembled to form a complete profile of that person. Any break in the data chain and it’s the patient who suffers. Thankfully, we live in an age of growing …

The Future of Laboratory Information Management Systems Is Low- Code

The need for advancements in healthcare technology is critical. The global Coronavirus pandemic has exposed the need for convenience, connectedness, and secure real-time sharing of healthcare and logistics information The term “Low code” was coined by Forrester in 2014 to classify development platforms that focused on development simplicity and ease of use. However, low-code development …

What Healthcare Can Learn From The Apple Watch

Today, our healthcare system is making a drastic change from providing care as a service for the sick, to empowering and engaging people as partners and owners of their health and well-being. Take last month’s Apple news as an example. A device that was originally created for a seamless consumer technology experience now allows users …

Impact Of Teleradiology On Health Care

Teleradiology is the most mature and rapidly evolving branch of telemedicine. It uses computers and telecommunication networks to transmit diagnostic images and data from one location to another for primary review and interpretation as well as specialist consultation. HISTORY One review claims that the first reference to telemedicine in medical literature can be traced back …

Teleradiology platforms with blockchain – the business case

Teleradiology is ripe for blockchain. Healthcare image diagnosis and treatment is based on trust; It could be based on truth. Let’s explore how. Teleradiology, or remote radiology service, is the future of radiology. Information technology has been the genesis of radiology and nuclear medicine. Night-hawk services have changed the future of work for radiology. All …

BPA vs RPA vs Process Optimization 101

I often hear the terms Business Process Automation (BPA) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) used interchangeably, and while they are both important to improving processes in an organization, they are different. I’ve also included an overview of Business Process Optimization (BPO) below to validate that it too has different strategies & outcomes. Here’s your 101 …