How to deal with negative reviews

With over 3 billion users worldwide, social media is an incredibly powerful tool for all types of food and drink businesses across the globe. It allows you to express the human side of your business and keep your audience up to date and entertained with news and engaging posts. But it’s not just social media …

Understanding Laboratory Software Services Markups and Subcontracting

Markup and Subcontracting:       Some of the preferred vendors have to subcontract to other firms to get laboratory software people for their customers’ projects because many preferred vendors that operate within large companies are huge firms that don’t happen to specialize in providing laboratory software resources. In some cases, the subcontracts are subcontracted to subcontracts and …

Veeva Systems – Cloud-Based Business Solutions for the Global Life Sciences Industry

Cover Story Clinical trial processes are vital, evaluatory research methods, wherein the effects of new medical treatments and drugs are tested on voluntary participants across four phases. Though clinical trials are meticulously designed, there are unforeseen obstacles such as discordant systems, regulatory restrictions, and siloed data that may hinder their seamless functioning. A Clinical Trial …

Covid Epi Weekly: Harrowing Holidays

It’s hard to imagine a worse confluence. Cases are surging in much of the US. People are tired of the limitations the virus is imposing. Economic harm is real, painful, and persistent. And White House communications have continued to mislead, divide, and deny. Bottom line (almost) up front: there IS one thing that can stop …

The Future of Healthcare is Here: CMS Launches Largest-Ever Multi-Payer Initiative

The US government did something monumental today. As an extension to the Affordable Care Act, they have put into place a new initiative that enables our doctors and health care teams to have the freedom to administer care in a way they think will deliver the best outcomes to you and me! You ask why …

The “Five Big Shifts”​ Coming Next to Clinical Trials

Many today are discussing how clinical trials will look differently after the pandemic. Innovative approaches that had been developed in recent years but were stalled in “experimentation” have been rapidly adopted over 2020 as pandemic counter-measures, and many organizations are now making commitments to embed these approaches into their clinical trial pipelines going forward. These …

3 Missed Opportunities in Telehealth

Are you overlooking these ways to engage more patients remotely? The use of telehealth skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic, as both patients and doctors rapidly adopted the technology to minimize exposure risk while maintaining patients’ health. Telemedicine will likely wane after the height of the pandemic, experts predict, but usage will remain higher than before. …

AZD1222 vaccine met primary efficacy endpoint in preventing COVID-19

Two different dosing regimens demonstrated efficacy with one showing a better profile. No hospitalisations or severe cases of COVID-19 in participants treated with AZD1222. Positive high-level results from an interim analysis of clinical trials of AZD1222 in the UK and Brazil showed the vaccine was highly effective in preventing COVID-19, the primary endpoint, and no …

Is the power of health technology outpacing laws and regulations?

On behalf of Philips I recently wrote a letter to Andrus Ansip, European Commissioner for Digital Single Market and Vice President of the European Commission. In this letter I share some of the shifts we believe are necessary to help moving towards a connected care needed to ensure a sustainable, patient-centered healthcare system. I thought it …


The value-based care initiative ushered a fundamental push for healthcare providers to satisfy requirements for meaningful use incentives and HIT vendors’ to offer software focused on the interoperability of health information. At that point in time, pitfalls around the actual usability of EHRs were tolerated. Still, years later, a fragmented EHR and HIT system has …